Personal Injury Attorney Atlanta, GA
When you suffer a serious personal injury, you are left dealing with physical pain, medical treatment, insurance companies (both health insurance and car insurance) and uncertainty about the future. These injuries also cause financial strain and emotional distress.
At Max Law, we understand the complexities of car accident cases and fight to secure maximum compensation for our clients. Max Law vigorously prosecutes your claims and provides clarity to clients in navigating through insurance and your claims.
Personal Injury Attorney
Services Offered by Max Law:
Negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of clients
Investigates accident details
File litigation (where appropriate)
Try cases at court (if necessary)
Manage the appeals process (if necessary)
Prepare clients for depositions
Max Law brings years of trial experience and appellate work to bear in helping clients navigate complicated business issues.
Personal Injury Attorney
Representative Cases:
Gwinnett County State Court: Max Law achieves confidential settlement for insurance policy limits of $250,000 for rear end collision.
Frequently asked questions
What should I do immediately after a car accident?
Seek medical attention, document the accident with photos and video, and contact Max Law for guidance on your next steps.
What should I do in the weeks and months following a car accident?
Follow the instructions of the medical providers that you have seen, whether that be for follow-up appointments, specialized care, or physical therapy. You should also document how the accident has affected your day to day life, time lost at work, and limitations in your daily life.
When should I contact an attorney?
As soon as you are involved in an accident or have a personal injury.
Should I contact an attorney?
Yes. Max Law can help you determine whether your case is one in which an attorney can help assist, and a consultation with Max Law costs you nothing.